New Maine Class IA RPS Attribute in NEPOOL GIS

The NEPOOL GIS recently added the new Maine Class IA RPS attribute that goes into effect for the January 2020 trading period.  These updates include additions to the generator registration form to allow for tracking of Maine Class IA attributes for qualified hydro and non-qualified hydro facilities, as well as updates to corresponding screens and reports through the NEPOOL GIS registry reflecting the new Maine attributes.

Item Feature
1Created a new class of RPS-eligible resources, called “Class IA”
2Transitions certain qualified hydropower facilities located in Maine from Class II to Class I/IA over a six-year period, beginning with 40% of the output qualifying in 2020 and ramping up 10% a year thereafter
3Aggregate caps to total energy produced per year for qualified hydropower ME Class IA projects

APX and Maine PUC worked together to update eligible ME Class IA project(s) in NEPOOL GIS.  Please reach out to the Maine PUC and/or APX if you have any questions.