The NEPOOL GIS offers a set of Public Reports which describe activity within the system at an aggregate level. The NEPOOL GIS does not disclose account holder specific data to the public.

  • Bulletin Board: Lists certificates offered and requested by NEPOOL GIS account holders
  • ExportsLists the exported MWh’s by exporting entity.
  • GIS Generator Production: Lists the MWh production of generators located in New England. Due to the confidentiality reasons, the identity of the generator is masked.
  • GIS Generators: Lists information about the registered generators in GIS.
  • Import System Mix: Lists the proxy attributes assigned to all imported system power.
  • ImportsLists the imported MWh’s by importing entity.
  • LSE Certificate ObligationsLists the MWh load production for Load Serving Entities (LSE) located in New England. Due to confidentiality reasons, the LSE identity is masked.
  • NEPOOL Residual Mix: Lists the aggregate attributes of the unused (or unsettled) certificates at the end of each trading quarter by fuel type.
  • NEPOOL System Mix: Lists the aggregate attributes of the issued certificates at the beginning of each trading quarter by fuel type.
  • Reserved Certificate Transfers: Lists the aggregate quantity of Reserve transactions and Reserved certificates processed during a given trading period.

CGB NEPOOL GIS Estimation Methodology