To Register a new Non-NEPOOL GIS account, User takes the following steps:

  1. Go to
  1. Under the Registry Login box, click the ‘Register’ button as shown below:


  1. In the New Account Application page, enter data into all fields denoated with an asterisk.
    1. Account Type: Select the account type checkbox(es). (See Section B for more information)
    2. Parent Company Name: Data entry in this field is optional.
    3. Company/Account Name: Enter the Company/Account Name


  1. In the GIS-Specific Contact Info section, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk.


  1. Click the ‘Submit for Approval’ button to register new account.


  1. Review Non-NEPOOL Participant Account Holder Agreement and check the ‘I Agree’ checkboxes.

  1. Enter First and Last Name and Title and click the ‘I Agree’ button to submit the Non-NEPOOL Participant Account Holder Agreement.


Note: An account activation email will be sent to the email registered under the GIS-Specific Contact Info section to Activate account.Please see the Activate New Account Registration page for instructions on how to activate a new GIS account.


Click on the following hyperlink to download the NEPOOL GIS Account Registration User Guide.